Shifting Context

Can one person make a difference?
Can one person’s every day acts have a huge impact?
BUT really, can what YOU care about influence entire communities, organizations, and even the world?

The answer to these three questions is a resounding “YES!”. This book illustrates how.


Linda T. Alepin
Barbara E. Key

Leadership Springs from Within is for you

About Shifting Context

Shifting Context shows real social change and the leadership principles that contribute to it. If you are passionate about creating social impact, Shifting Context: Leadership Springs from Within is for you. The stories of leaders from around the world bring social change efforts to life. They bear witness to people who have taken on the challenge of demonstrating that leadership starts from within.

These courageous people have adopted new ways of listening, of shedding limiting beliefs, and of connecting deeply with what they care about. They are examples of people living up to one’s leadership potential and, through that process, creating extraordinary results. The book makes the invisible visible — it looks behind the actions of leaders to expose the leadership approaches that made them successful. It is our hope that this book cultivates a belief in you that you can overcome even seemingly insurmountable problems and effect change.

Barbara and Linda spent decades working with leaders in industry, academia, and civil society guiding them to live up to their full leadership potential. Through that process, these activists created extraordinary results by letting leadership spring from within. Find out for yourself what is possible when you learn to shift context.

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